School Ethos & Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Mission Statement of Scoil Treasa Naofa is to equip each child with lifelong learning skills in a Christian Community. We aspire to inspire a lifelong love of learning. We acknowledge the differences in our School and we work in a professional manner to cater for the needs, sensitivities and responsibilities of all the children in our care. We prepare them to lead full lives contributing positively to their community. Children are the messages we send to a time that we will not see.

Ag fás, ag foghlaim agus ag forbairt.

School Ethos

Scoil Treasa Naofa operates under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Kerry. We seek to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical. We aim to provide quality learning experiences that are engaging, enriching, holistic and enjoyable through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Scoil Treasa Naofa regards itself as an integral part of the parish and of the church and, in cooperation with parents and the church, seeks to foster the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the sacraments and through the ethos of the school.

This ethos is best exemplified through the quality of all relationships in the school, which are based on respect and dignity for each person – child, parent, teacher, principal, secretary, caretaker, special needs assistants and visitors to the school. Scoil Treasa Naofa seeks to be an inclusive and welcoming place, respectful and accommodating of diversity in race, culture, religion, gender and ability. We seek to continue to work in partnership with parents to ensure that the best interest of each child is provided for.

Religious Education and Faith Development

Scoil Treasa Naofa promotes Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith.

Sensitivity is always shown to pupils of all faiths. The school cannot, however undertake to educate children of other faiths in their own faith, nor can it provide supervision during the religious education period apart from the class.

Supervision is offered in school for children of other faiths for school Masses which take place during the school day. Scoil Treasa Naofa has adopted the Grow in Love Catechetical Programmes approved and recommended by the School Patron for use in Catholic Schools. The programme is normally timetabled each day for one half-hour.

A Christian ethos however permeates the school day and the life of the school. There is a spirit of prayer in the school. The major Catholic and local feasts are celebrated. Liturgical celebrations are held on occasions and the whole school celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation annually.

Whole School Dimension

There is a spirit of prayer in the school not just imposed on the children, but is seen to be a value for the teachers. In each classroom there is an atmosphere of openness, forgiveness, and understanding. A sense of awe and wonder at the goodness, beauty and love of God is developed in the children. Meaningful icons, pictures and artworks are on display throughout the school building. The major Catholic and local feasts are celebrated. They are marked with the aid of signs and symbols displayed throughout the school:

  • Advent – the Advent wreath and Jesse tree
  • Christmas – tree, crib & Christmas Carol Service
  • Feast of St. Brigid – traditional crosses
  • Feast of St. Patrick – depiction of story and shamrock
  • Lent – symbols of repentance and ashes
  • Easter – symbols of the new life of resurrection
  • Pentecost – artistic depiction of the coming of the Holy Spirit
  • Liturgical celebrations are held on some occasions e.g. The opening and closing of the school year
  • Carol service at Christmas
  • Times of trauma or crisis and for other occasions which from time to time are considered appropriate to celebrate or to mark or can be incorporated into school assemblies
  • The pupils of the school join: At the celebration of First Communion and Confirmation
  • School Mass at the beginning of the year
  • Sixth Class Graduation

The Catholic education offered in Scoil Treasa Naofa is conducted in collaboration with the children’s parents and the local parish. We see our role as being supportive of the role of parents and parish. The local priests occasionally visit classrooms. Opportunities are provided for:

  • Blessing of throats on the feast of St Blaize
  • Distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday
  • Hearing of pupil confessions
  • Informal lessons and talks to pupils on faith development
  • Praying with pupils

Spiritual Formation of Teachers

The spiritual nourishment of teachers is understood by the Board of Management to be an integral part of the religious education programme undertaken by the school. Teaching Methodologies used to achieve the objectives of the Grow In Love Programme

  • Interactive learning
  • Giving children prayer experiences that are meaningful
  • Sacramental and non-sacramental liturgies
  • Use of imagination in prayer
  • Drama and role play on the theme of Christian Values
  • Questions and answers helping children to use their own word
  • Vocal prayer

Other Religious Denominations

Subject to the terms of the enrolment and admission policy, we enrol pupils of other faiths or no faith in the school and accord due respect for their beliefs and practices. Consultation with parents of these pupils takes place on enrolment. Each child is welcome to attend and benefit from the Catholic religious education programme. If parents have difficulty with this the Principal shall meet with them to see if an accommodation can be reached. Parents are welcome to view the religious programme taught – at its core is the commandment ‘Love God and love your neighbour.’

Sensitivity is always shown when pupils cannot participate in liturgical celebrations. The school cannot, however, undertake to educate children of other faiths in their own faith, nor can it provide supervision in a separate class environment during the religious education period.

Children of other faiths who do not wish to participate in the RE class of the day or in meditation will be assigned work to do in the classroom for the duration of the class.
