Scoil Treasa Naofa Kilflynn
Newsletter 10th December 2019
Children from Rang 1 to 6 thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Knockreer House last Thursday and Friday where they participated in outdoor activities and met Santa for hot chocolate.
Check out our Facebook page for photos. Junior and Senior Infants will be travelling to St John’s Theatre Listowel to see “Santa’s Sooty
Christmas”. Thanks to the Parents’ Association for funding the bus.
Christmas Carol Service will take place on Monday 16th December at 7pm in St Marys Church, Kilflynn. All children to arrive at 6.15pm wearing Christmas jumpers, navy school trousers and black shoes.
Santa and Mrs Claus will greet you outside the church and the Elves will help you to be seated. Donations will be taken at the door.
The Christmas Craft Fair will take place on Wednesday 18th December in the school. Parents welcome from 9.15 to 11am to purchase the beautiful, handmade crafts that the children have created. Children will be given an opportunity to purchase crafts during the day.
Bag Packing will take place on Saturday 21st December in Dunnes, NCR, Tralee from 12noon to 6pm. Volunteers are needed for 1 hour. Please fill in the slot that suits you best, in the form in the school foyer.
A huge congratulations to all the boys and girls in Rang 3 agus 4 who competed at the FAI Indoor Futsal competition on Friday 22nd November in the I.T. Tralee.
Science Week was a wonderful success with all classes participating in science activities and workshops. It was wonderful to see so many innovative and aspiring Scientists, Mathematicians and Engineers. Well done to all the boys and girls for dressing up.
Heartiest Congratulations to our Zumba instructor Padraig O’Mahony and his new husband Shaun Henchy on their recent wedding. Wishing you both the best today and always.
The Knitting Project has been a hugh success thanks to the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time to help the children in Rang 6. Over the last 4 weeks a number of parents and grandparents kindly came to the school and helped the children with their knitting skills. Go raibh mile maith agaibh!
We will continue if you wish to collect clothes for St Vincent De Paul on an ongoing basis. All children have been given a bag today for you to fill, and drop to the school before Thursday 19th December. Thank you for your ongoing support.
A huge thank you to everyone who donated a shoe box to Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal worthy cause. We received over 120 shoe boxes which are now on their way to needy children in eastern Europe and Africa.
A very special thank you to the Board of Management whose term ended on the 30th November 2019. All their hard work and commitment to the school over the past 4 years is greatly appreciated.
The new Board of Management came into effect on the 1st December and will run for the next 4 years. The following people have accepted a position on our new Board:
- Fr Denis O’Mahony (Patron Nominee),
- Nora Falvey (Principal),
- Caroline Lynch (Chairperson),
- Deirdre Laide (Teacher),
- Norah Brady and Damien Casey (Parent Nominees),
- Paud Tuomey and Pauline Gleasure (Community Representatives)
- Designated Liaison Person – Nora Falvey
- Deputy Designated Liaison Person – Tina O’Connell
The school will be taking enrolment for September 2020 from January. Please contact the school office 06671 35633 for further information.
The school will be closed on Wednesday 8th January for staff in service on the Primary Language Curriculum.
The school will close at 12 noon on Friday 20th December and will reopen on Monday 6th January 2020
Wishing you a very peaceful, safe and Happy Christmas